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Dates Deglet Nour 9kg

Dates 5kg

Dates Deglet Nour

9 kilo cartons of these lovely Dates

Deglet nour dates are the finest dates to eat or snack on

Dates, originating from the Persian Gulf, they have been harvested by early civilisations since 4000 BC. during this period, the Chaldeans and Bedouins considered the date palm to be a "tree of life", since the date formed the basis of their diets.

The Deglet Noor date is the variety that is most appreciated for its superior quality and uniquely honeyed taste. It is known for its translucent colour, its smooth appearance and its elegant form.

Dates are a source of dietary fibre and, thanks to their high carbohydrate content, are high energy fruits that are easy to eat and convenient to keep to hand. They can be eaten fresh or dried.

Our Deglet Noor dates are from Tunisia and Algeria. On the fringe of the desert, in the palm groves of Kebili and Tozeur, one-of-a-kind conditions are in place that make them the best exporters of Deglet Noor dates.

Algeria, the No. 1 producer, is the emblematic country and undoubtedly the origin of this date palm cultivar. They harvest dates there from the Tolga palm grove, regarded as having the best quality of Deglet Noor dates.

Order some & enjoy this lovely product

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